Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 ways Marni could go green

Marni's stores are all uniquely designed with different aesthetics in mind. Despite their differences, they all look very sleek, modern, and minimalistic. Because of the uniqueness of the Marni store and the inspiration that each store evokes, it would be fitting if the Marni company implemented solar or wind power as its source of electricity. By being innovative, Marni would inspire other companies to do the same, and it would also save money in the long run. Descriptors such as "funky" and "quirky" have been used to define the essence of Marni. With that in mind, I think Marni would be able to incorporate vintage fabrics in its pieces and still please its target market. The fabrics would have to reflect the quality that Marni customers expect, but it would be a great way to contribute to a more sustainable environment. Lastly, in order to "go green", the Marni company could go paperless. All necessary information could be exchanged via the internet. All employee applications could be online as well as any information directed to the merchandisers/managers. By the implementation of these three things, Marni would lessen its carbon footprint.

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